Monday, July 19, 2010

Note to Self

Don't loose it right before bedtime.
No matter how hard it is to be a mom...don't loose it right before bed time. It's that critical moment of the day where children need a scripture, a story, a prayer, kisses, and a snug. But more than anything they don't need to go to sleep with a mad mommy. And in reality, mine won't fall asleep no matter how tired they are if they know I am upset.
So I fume, and then give in.
Today was a battle of the wills. It was almost like hearing the words, "How well is mom going to keep her cool despite the absolutely wretched tantrums we throw today."
I tried, believe me I tried, but there was a straw that broke this camel's back. And I sent Bug and Bear to sleep without any of the normal night time comforts.
But guess what?
My kids don't go to sleep if they know I am mad.
I have to quickly have a slice of humble pie, followed with a swallow of bitter pride. Sprinkle on some patience so that I can love my children to sleep.
Believe's not easy.

1 comment:

  1. Oh boy, it is so hard to keep it together at bedtime around here, too. It is almost like all of the tantrums during the day come from the kids and then it is Mom's turn at bedtime. That piece of humble pie (some nights it is the entire pie) is so hard to swallow, but really it is beautiful, too. It is beautiful because we can do things over the way that we wanted to do them in the first place and it helps calm everyone down. It is beautiful because no matter how terrible we were with our grown up tantrum, our children still love us and are concerned about us. It is beautiful because our children are beautiful.

    I am so sorry that it was a rough day/night.
