Friday, February 18, 2011


What's in a moment???


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Kindred Spirits

Today I was reminded of how special people can pop into your life at any moment.  You may have passed them on the street and didn't even know that you share something in common.  I am starting to see how PTSD affects so many people. 

I used to feel so alone....
Like no one understood what I was going through,
Like I didn't belong,
That I was different,
That I couldn't relate because my life experiences have been so traumatic,

But today I was reminded of how much I have in common with other people.

I'm not the only one who deals with PTSD,
I'm not the only one who was in an abusive marriage,
I'm not the only one who struggles with sorrow.

So to those who read this...know that you are not alone in your trials.

Much Love and Blessings