Monday, March 8, 2010

A time to Change. A time to Grow

As life comes and goes there are changes

The other day I was talking with my sister about New Beginnings.
Those times where you 'turn over a new leaf'
start working on a new goal
even celebrating the changes in the seasons.

I have started a new chapter in the Journey of my Life.

I found it remarkable that my orchid thought the same thing too.
The first bud is beginning to open.
I have been nurturing this plant (with some assistance)
since my birthday last August.
It was given to me by Paula and Loraine
(whom I love dearly)
The flowers withered and died when I was gone to California
for the Ride2Recovery.
I thought I was going to loose my beautiful plant :(
But it has truly surprised me.

I love new beginnings.
Maybe that's why birth and life are so special.
As a medic I was shocked to witness
the different kinds of trauma that a human can survive.
Each cell working together to repair, mend, and renew an individual.
It's an amazing process that takes time.
This bud may take several days so fully open,
Just as the journeys in our lives take time.
A New Chapter
A New Start
I am beginning to recover
I am starting to heal.
I may be a small bud that has split,
But inside there is a flower waiting to bloom.
This is my year!
and to start a new beginning
I have decided to turn my guest room
(Loo's Room)
I'm excited by the wonderful things I have found.
I look forward to setting it up
and then one day
Surprising my Kids with the finished product.
and a whole lot more.

I'm excited to see what the kids and I can discover together.

So.....with love, learning, and excitement....
I will embrace my new beginnings.

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