Saturday, April 24, 2010

It feels like forever...

Hello all of my wonderful and addoring fans :)
I thought I would write a quick post before going to bed for the 2nd time tonight.
I fell asleep at nine, woke up at 11:59 and have been awake working on stuff since then.

It feels like I haven't written a post in FOREVER,
and that's because it has been a long time.
I have been focused on the very basic of needs for my family.

The house we were/are??? renting flooded over 3 weeks ago and the kids and I have been staying in a hotel. The novelty has worn off, but I am still grateful that I am not living out of my car or in a shelter somewhere.

I've been so busy and I am tired.

Any prayers would be greatly appreciated


  1. Kimberly, I am so sorry to hear about the flood. Not fun at all. Three weeks is a long time to be away from home. I hope that the issues in the house get settled soon.

  2. Sorry that you're still in that dang hotel! Come over and visit us again. Kristy told me that you are for sure moving. She better be lying.

  3. So that's where you've been! I am so sorry you are still there, though! If you ever need to just get out and about, the boys and I are totally up for a park playdate! **HUGGS**
