Thursday, March 3, 2011

Quick Update

Hello fellow readers,

I know I have neglected my blog for quite some time.  I just wanted to give you a quick update on the latest and greatest.  Well....I'm getting married in two weeks.  I have spent the last year falling in love and getting engaged, and planning a wedding, and living with PTSD, being a mother, traveling to visit my family, making new freinds and building a house...

Oh wait...did I say building a house? 

I sure did.

My dreams are coming true,
and it's so nice.

Many thanks to my faithful readers.
I turned my blogging energy elsewhere, but have noticed that I still get lots of hits to this site.
I will try to be more diligent in my efforts.

Wish me Luck...

I'm off on another Journey




  1. We got your invitation! It's soooo cute. You look so happy. So many great things are happening for you. BUILDING A HOUSE TOO? So lucky. YAY!!! Can't wait to see you on the 18th. xoxo

  2. I want to come! You look so happy! I am so thrilled for you. Do you still have my phone number? e-mail me if not.

  3. Who did all the family photos? You guys look wonderful, and happy.
