Tuesday, September 20, 2011

How Did You Spend Your 9/11?

My Mom was hosting some international guests. So I spent the ten year anniversary of the attacks on America at Temple Square in Salt Lake City
We listened to Music and the Spoken Word,
and enjoyed other sights surrounding Temple Square. 
We spent the afternoon at the Utah State Fair
The local Marine recruiters had a booth where they were holding a contest for the most pull ups or hanging on the bar.
Each person who participated won a prize depending on how well they performed.
I thought it would be fun to try, but absolutely did not want to make a fool of myself by my lack of physical conditioning.
I mentioned this to my Mother who was more that happy to embarrass me by telling the Marines that I wanted to try. 
(My poor pride couldn't back down after being called out, no matter how weak my upper body strength is)
So I took a shot at it.
I won a lanyard.
(I was hoping for the T-Shirt, which was the best prize)
I wasn't in good enough shape.
Maybe next year :)

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