Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Why haven't you posted in so long?

Well...If truth be told....I've been pretty sick. I'm going on twelve (12) days now.  I thought I had the swine flu, or mononucleosis, or something terrible and wretched, but it turns out I simply had pneumonia, strep throat, and viral bronchialitis. 

Go figure.

Who knew that those things could knock you into the bed so fast your eyes would spin. 

And believe me, mine have.

I'm done with the antibiotics, steroids, and breathing treatments.  So now it is Rest Rest Rest.  And believe me I have had some of the weirdest dreams imaginable.  I'm ready to be better, but my body says "REST"

I don't like that part.  :(
...but I have good news for when I do post something next.  I hope you keep reading

1 comment:

  1. Way to keep us in suspense! S'okay tho. Rest as much as you need:)
