Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Give a Boy His Bear

 I love watching little boy's play
(as long as it's not destructive)
ok and maybe sometimes when you are destroying things

I was pondering on what I wanted to share with you, my readers,
So I decided to scan through some old pictures from January 2010.
I have been sick in bed for like 5 days now.
I am missing my little 'Bug' and my little 'Bear'

I have had lots of snugs,

but I miss my little ones.

I'm ready for you to come home my dears. 

Less time constraints,
and more creativity.

(maybe not the most humane way to treat a bear, but hey, he went along for the ride)
 Bear named this little girl Rawry Tayney.
It's fun for me to watch them discover some of the softer things in life.
Like taking care of a bear.
Don't get me wrong...
that bear will fly and be sliced with the blades of the ceiling fan,
that bear will be dropped and used as a weapon, or whatever else little boys come up with.
but when they are gentle...
it's tender to my heart. 

and most of all

I want to show them that they are LOVED!
and hopefully
(cross my fingers and close my eyes tight as I wish for a dream to come true)
They will be able to take that safe and secure love and share it with others.

See You tomorrow my little ones!

I have missed you.

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