Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I don't have time to be depressed or have PTSD.

For those of you who would like more information about mental illnesses you can check out

The National Alliance on Mental Illness


The National Center for PTSD

and for those who have experienced

Military Sexual Trauma

Question of the Day.

Why are anniversaries so hard?
Now, when I say anniversaries I don't mean the days that you celebrate when you met your significant other, or a day that commemorates a happy moment......I talk of the ones that remind you of horror and death, or abuse and trauma.
So I ask why are they so hard?
Why do I feel so helpless and lonely?
How is it that my body and my subconscious can remember what happened years ago even if my cognitive mind can't?
Why is it so hard?

You know those green wool military blankets?

I think they are awful....

They do have a couple good characteristics........They sure can soak up a lot of blood.

But it's not so fun sleeping under them because you are freezing, and death encrusted blankets are the only thing you have to keep you warm....

GROSS! Who wants to sleep with death surrounding them keeping them warm? It's funny how appealing they looked when I thought I would freeze to death. You never know what kind of lows you are willing to sink to in the abyss of world turmoil.

Good luck all....