Saturday, November 14, 2009


One virtue that I seem to be working on constantly!

Yesterday was a difficult day.

I have a feeling that sometimes all of my patience is sucked out by my kids,

and by the time I reach lunch time there isn't any left.

Yesterday was one of those days.

So I called this wonderful man to come and help my frazzled self.

Unbeknown to me

He had purchased some beautiful flowers to brighten my day


I don't like to be grumpy

The flowers are beautiful and I love them!

And this wonderful man was able to help turn that frown upside-


And I had a better day.

1 comment:

  1. I can't stop smiling as my heart is filled with warmth while viewing this post :-) The times that we share feel as if they are becoming more special the longer that we're together. My anticipation of our future together leaves me with a feeling of excitement similar to that experienced by that of myself as a young child on Christmas morning :-) :-) I love you! :-)
