Monday, August 29, 2011

Favorite Chap Stick

I know that it may be just a tad juvenile,
but my favorite chap stick is
Strawberry Kiwi by
I know that they market it for the tween's, but I secretly love it.
Back in the day it was code named 'The Make Out Chapstick'
It smells great.
It tastes awesome.
The texture is smooth, not sticky.
It's perfect.
I am secretly debating weather I should add it to my years supply

You see, we members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saint believe in living provident lives.  Many members work to achieve a years supply of the necessities of life.

I wonder if my favorite chap stick counts.


  1. Does it have the glitter in it too? I find that kinda ruins the chapstick.

  2. They had one called 'Strawberry Kiwi Comet' and it did have glitter, but I like the regular. Glitter can get in the way.

  3. So I went to the local Walmart today and purchased some make-out chapstick for my trip to Aspen Colorado.
    Don't get confused. There will be NO making-out, but there will be moisture infused lips!
