Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Grand Canyon

I have always had a desire to visit the famous Grand Canyon.
I drive past it every time I make a trip to Utah, but I've never stopped to have the experience.

So....while we were moving to Utah,
I decided that I wanted to take the boys there.
I vascillated between driving straight through and stopping.
I was bit afraid to do it by myself,
but my strong will got the better of me.
Until we got to Jacob Lake I still wasn't sure that we were going to actually go through with it.

It was adventurous, as most things with my boys are.
After several trips to the bathroom,
a tired grumpy mommy,
and children who didn't seem to care how much I wanted to make this a fun experience.
I was asking myself, "Why did we even stop? Why is this so hard?  How come it's always so much more fun when my mother and sisters are involved?"

I tried...
and I hope I succeeded in creating a positive memory with my kids.

We found a little cabin to stay in at Jacob Lake.
(I'm so glad that I didn't have to unpack the trailer to try to find our little tent)

We made some memories.
....even though it was stressful for mommy.

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